Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Cedar & Pine - Cross Canada Blog Hop

I am back tonight with another blog hop for you! Tonight we are travelling across Canada to show off what we are doing with the Cedar and Pine paper pack. You should be joining me from the very talented Sheena

I will be honest, I was not a huge fan of this paper at first glance but once I got it and started playing with it, it was so easy and fun to work with. My workshop layouts (which this is one of them) came together in record time....2 days! I never get 3 layouts done in 2 days ever! The top of the layout will be 4 different 4X6 pictures with some 3X3 and 4X3 pictures below for a total of 8 pictures. 

Products used:

- Cedar and Pine
- White Daisy, Saffron, Evergreen Linen, Black and Peach

- Black Shimmer trim
- Cedar Pine Sticker Sheet
- Holly Jolly Dots
- White and Black Dots

Thanks for stopping by my blog today, I welcome any and all feedback. If you would like help with purchasing any of the products mentioned my post today, please contact your local CTMH consultant. If you do not have a CTMH consultant and are in Canada I can absolutely assist you in ordering. If you are in the United States, New Zealand or Australia, I can help you locate a consultant local to you for ordering. 
It is now time to hop on over to Linda and check out the amazing work they have done with Cedar and Pine. 

If you get lost along the way in our hop....here is a link to all who are participating in order from East to West coast!

Brandi - You are here!
Until next time, happy crafting!


Kim Loewen said...

Love this layout. I was thinking of doing something similar with this paper. Great minds think alike.

Katy said...

Love all the squares and the photos across the top!

kanatanewf said...

Fantastic layout! Plenty of room for lots of photos!

Anderson Chapman said...

Loveely blog you have