Monday, January 27, 2014

H2H - In the spotlight

This week our challenge at Heart 2 Heart was "In the Spotlight" and as always you can interpret that however you want; that is what I truly love about the H2H challenges, you can go in what ever direction you want with the theme! So for the spotlight, it could be the spotlight technique (which I tried for the first time), or putting something or someone in the spotlight on your card, layout or project. 

The card I made is super simple as I am part of a swap and one of the cards I need for the swap is a note card, just a plain, no sentiment note card and I thought this would be a cute idea to use for that type of a card. 

I used the CTMH stamp called Card Word Puzzle (my go to for anything like this, I LVOE IT!) and I coloured in the flowers with Gypsy, Goldrush, and Cotton candy. I was hoping to use some of the Sarita paper pack (hence the colours I chose) but the papers just did not work with the spotlight and flowers I chose (in my opinion) so I just went with Gypsy card stock. I still feel it needs something and on the fence about adding some bling to it but decided to sleep it on and see how I feel in the morning (or a few weeks knowing me…lol)

This is not a new technique by any stretch but it was the first time I had tried it. I love the affect it gives and will be playing with it again I am sure.

Be sure to visit the others who have played along at Heart 2 Heart challenges.

Thanks for stopping by!


Tracey said...

I've never heard of the "Spotlight Technique". Could you give me a link to a tutorial or explain it, please and thank you?
Tracey D

Brandi said...

Hi Tracey,

I have not seen of or used a tutorial but I CAS'd some projects on Split coast stampers. Basically what I did was stamped the image I was using which in this case was Card Word puzzle by Close to My Heart in black ink and then I used my Cricut to cut out a circle from the random stamping that I had done. I also cut another circle a 1/4 inch larger for the mat. I coloured in the flowers and leaves on the circle I cut out, matted it with the black and then as best I could I lined it up with the original stamped image. Here is a link to the gallery of ideas at Heart 2 Heart Challenges as we all pretty much did this for the challenge for this week.

I hope this helps, if not feel free to email me at crzy4scrapbooking at yahoo dot com (spelled out to prevent spamming)


Sãndra V. said...

Love the way your card turned out. So neat what we can with this technique. Thanks so much for sharing with us at H2H Challenges
Sandra V. H2H Scrapbooking